Sunday, May 18, 2014


Hello my dear family and friends! I hope everyone's week was great :) 
This week has truly been a one of learning!! We had a zone-wide meeting with our President and it was so good. And we learned some crazy exciting  We learned how to teach even more simply than we have been in the past. There is such power in the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ!! There is such power in teaching simply and testifying of the Book of Mormon. Yesterday we had an experience where we starting talking to a man on the street and he all of a sudden started telling us how the Book of Mormon is false and how we have no idea what we are talking about... I looked him in the eye and testified of the divinity of the Book of Mormon. I told him that God loves all of His children and wants all of them to return to Him. I told him of the promise that is in the Book of Mormon, that if we read it truly desiring to know if it was true that we would come to know for ourselves that it is. He didn't say anything after that. We then wished him a good day and left. I know that there is no power on earth that compares to that of the Holy Ghost. I am so grateful for it. 

Yesterday we went to a baptism with one of our investigators named Juan Vazquez, it's the second one that he has been to in the past two weeks! He loved it. He said he can't wait until he gets baptized, but he wants his family to be as well. He loves coming to church and learning and feeling the spirit :) He even went out and bought a white shirt and a tie!!! ahhh I love how the gospel changes people and makes them want to be better. I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!

The other day we had a great lesson with Benjamin. And he accepted a baptism date!!!! We brought out a calendar on his phone and told him to chose a date. For some reason it was highlighted on June 10th! My birthday!! Coincidence? I think not. He decided to go with the 10th!! :) That would be the best birthday ever!! He thinks he hasn't received his answer yet though. We told him he will after he is baptized. He reads everyday and he came to church all by himself yesterday!! He loves what we teach and we know he knows that it is true. 

I love being an instrument in the Lord's hands to help others to come unto to Christ. I love seeing the light of Christ that comes upon their countenance as the learn the truth!! 
"The following has been written about discipleship: “The word disciple comes from the Latin [meaning] a learner. A disciple of Christ is one who is learning to be like Christ—learning to think, to feel, and to act [like] he does. To be a true disciple, to fulfill that learning task, is the most demanding regimen known to man. No other discipline compares … in either requirements or rewards. It involves the total transformation of a person from the state of the natural man to that of [a] saint, one who loves the Lord and serves with all of his heart, might, mind, and strength” (Chauncey C. Riddle, “Becoming a Disciple,” Ensign, Sept. 1974, 81)."
We are all disciples of Christ as we learn His ways and follow them. I love being the Savior's representative here in San Bernardino! I am so grateful that He has given me this amazing privilege to learn to be more like Him little by little. 

I love all of you!! I am so excited for you Mary!! Richmond isn't even going to know what hit them!! Just go home and get to work on our stake and wards :) Thank you for the example you were to me your whole mission!! Can't believe it has already come to an end!! But truly it isn't the end though, you have the rest of forever to be a missionary :) it's just the beginning :) No te preocoupes :) te quiero mucho!
Nos vemos!! Until next week! 
I love you all
Hermana Shea McCartt

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