Monday, February 24, 2014

Greetings from California

This week was so good. After having the amazing conference with President and Van Cott Hermana Sudweeks and went to work to make ourselves more effective missionaries. We started with Andres, he is one of our investigators who has been on date for a month now. We both had the concern that he didn't have a testimony of the Book of Mormon yet, and if he didn't then he wasn't rooted in the gospel like we knew that he needed to be. We wanted him to see how the Book of Mormon could  relate to him. So we went over with the intent of helping to see just how much this book relates to him and how it can truly bless and change his life! We went over and shared a verse with him and showed him different ways he could study the Book of Mormon. Then we all closed our books and opened them and pointed to a verse and each took turns reading it and applying it to ourselves. Andres was so excited. Heavenly Father knows him perfectly. As he was explaining how it related to him his face lit up with joy because he started to see that the scriptures do apply to him and just how well Heavenly Father knows him. He told us that we were his best friends and that we always make his day. Good day?? I think yes!
Another amazing experience we had this week: We were driving to find and referral and pulled over to ask a woman if we could help her weed her garden, she declined and wasn't interested in our message. We were back in our car and ready to leave when we felt impressed to go and knock on a door. So we jumped out of the car and right when we did a young man pulled over in his car and asked us for directions somewhere, we told him and then started talking about who we are.. what we're doing and invited him to church, and guess what!!?? He came!! With his mom! We were so excited and the other sister missionaries were too because.... they were their potential investigators that they have been trying to get to come to church for weeks! What do you know! The Lord is in ever detail of this work. I am so grateful the promptings of the spirit and that we followed them!
One more miracle we were with Hugo, another one of our investigators, last night. I have been praying night and day to know what we can do to help him reach baptism. Then last night he told us! He said that he wants better friends who will help him be better and make better choices. He mentioned a name of a man who we have a family night set up with. We drove over excited and told them how excited that Hugo was to be friends with them. They were so excited as well. I burst into tears as I testified to them that they were the answer to our prayers and Hugo's! I am so excited for Hugo and so thankful for faithful members who understand the importance of missionary work and fellowshipping and we so excited to do so! It isn't a chore it is the work of salvation! I know that they want to share with Hugo the thing that has brought them so much joy and happiness- The gospel of Jesus Christ. I never cease to be amazed by how much Heavenly Father loves His children and wants them to come back to Him.
Thank you for all of your diligent work and for you daddy, for writing down your conversion. I have shared parts of it with many! Thank you for your testimonies and dedication to our Savior Jesus Christ.
I love you all!!
Hasta luego!
Hermana McCartt
Yes, there are two snakes wrapped around my hands.

Us in "Mexico"

Monday, February 17, 2014


Greetings from Mexico!!! I mean Southern California :)
I just love California and las personas so much. Everyday I am humbled by how blessed I truly am. I have two incredible parents who were sealed and married in the temple of the Lord. I have an amazing wild and HILARIOUS family who loves me :D I have never once had to worry about not having food or clothing or a roof over my head. And best of all I have been raised knowing Where I came from, Why I am here, and Where I am going and I AM a child of God. It wasn't until I came out on my mission that I have come to realize that so many people don't have what I have. So many children of our Heavenly Father have hard lives. I have seen things on my mission that I had only seen or heard on news. I know it is because I have virtuous parents who have dedicated their lives to serving the Lord and raising their children to know of His teachings and His love. This is why I am here!!! To share the message of the restored gospel to all of those who have been prepared by the Lord. I have seen the gospel change lives. I know that our very nature can be changed as we come to know our Savior and of His divine love and infinite sacrifice that He did for ALL of us. I know that as we rely on our Savior we can be healed. Anything we go through can be overcome because of Him. Because he has already conquered it all for us! He is the only way we can be saved.
I have been thinking a lot about eternal life lately. It is a promise from God that all of us will be resurrected, because Jesus Christ overcame death we all will! And we will all be immortal. BUT only those who accept Jesus Christ, repent, are baptized and ENDURE to the End, Also known as enjoying to the end :) will receive this eternal life. Meaning that we will be exalted! We will live with our Savior, Jesus Christ our Heavenly Father, and our families FOR eternity! I can think of nothing better than this.
I see people around me. Quickly going through their lives, worry about things that are not important. I wish that they knew who they were and what they could become. Our Heavenly Father knows our potential and He has given us His son to help us achieve it! I know I am successful when I bear testimony of the Love of our Savior and Jesus Christ. That is my purpose, to bring others unto Christ. This is my goal for the rest of my life. I love being a missionary.
I love you family. Thank you for being such an incredible example to me. I feel your prayers and your love everyday!! Thank you for your support and love. And thank you Daddy and Mama for being elect and finding the gospel while you were teenagers!! I will forever admire you for that.
Les Quiero tanto!!
Hermana Shea McCartt

Monday, February 10, 2014


Gabby and her sweet boys :)

Just your average cactus of the desert!

Adorable heromy
Delicious meal I eat almost everyday
Love this cutie

Hermana Thomas and I

My amazing companion

Las Hermanas hermosas que vivo conmigo

Monday, February 3, 2014

Hola mi familia y mis amigos!!!

How was everyone's week? Time seems to go by slowly but at the same time so fast!! It just proves to me that my time here is so short!! I need to work as hard as I can every minute! I am so grateful everyday that the Lord trust me, just a normal girl from Virginia, to be His Servant! To represent Him! What a honor it is. I love my Savior so much. Words cannot even begin to describe what He has done for me. I will forever be indebted to Him.
This week was amazing as always. Yesterday we went over to one of our members houses and just went and sang, Soy un hijo de Dios (I am a child of God). The spirit filled the room as we sang and afterwards the sister bore testimony of the importance of being goodly parents and teaching her children. He son, who was less-active was sitting right next to her and I saw tears role down His face as she spoke. It was beautiful. Then they requested us to sing all of their favorite hymns. I loved it. The spirit was so strong, we want to do this with all of our members. I love the spirit that music brings.
Gabby and Andrew are now on date! Ahhh Gabby is golden, we just need to get her and her boyfriend married now :) A wedding and a baptism! Nothing gets better than that!! I am so excited for her to further align her life with our Heavenly Father. He loves her and her two little boys so much.
If you ever want to do something fun, sticky not someone's door!! :) We have been doing that lately and we love it! I guess it's our easier way of heart attacking? It's just a fun way to let someone know that they are loved in a secret way :)
Today I had my first zone sport activity because I don't live 1 1/2 hours away anymore! We played basketball and volleyball :) It was super fun. We actually played with my old zone. I love them all.
Well I love you all! I love hearing from you and am so happy everyone is doing so great. Thank you for your love and support. I LOVE YOU
your favorite Spanish speaking Californian missionary,
Hna McCartt
                                                              Our cute young women!
My old zone! Zone sports!