Sunday, November 24, 2013

Week 3??

Another week has flow by in the field! I am already half way through my first transfer! We have so many people that we are teaching but no one is on date YET. This Sunday we had 6 investigators at church and I about had a hard attack with excitement!! We haven't had anyone come to church yet and then to have 6 in one week was a miracle! God is truly touching the hearts of the people here in Borrego Springs!
We are starting a Spanish class on Wednesday nights at 630! We have a lot of people who seem interested! We are so excited, this is a great way to find people to teach! It is going to be held in our church so it's a perfect way for them to feel the spirit and introduce them to members of the ward.
We met this young man named Max this week, we prayed and told Heavenly Father that we would be at the church one afternoon to do some planning and to put someone in our path this week that we could find. When we pulled up Max was walking down the road and we asked him if we could give him a tour of the church and he agreed. We should him all around and then invited him to church and HE CAME!! :) That happened with two people this week. All we had to do was invite them!
This Saturday we had the opportunity to go to a mission wide conference. It was incredible! I was so uplifted and motivated from everyone of the speakers, our mission president invited all of the stake presidents and Bishops from our mission to come and speak to up. It was amazing  to see how truly inspired it was. All of their talks somehow linked in with one another and half of them didn't even hear what the other speakers spoke about because they were all coming and going at different times. The spirit is amazing :) One thing that President Van Cott shared that Elder Ballard shared with all of the mission presidents from the west is: The Savior is ready to come but the people are not ready. That blew my mind!! We need to be prepared for the 2nd coming. It is so soon! That is why the work is hastening. That is why the mission age was dropped. We need to teach every person the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess :)
I have so much to work on and learn and shortcomings! But through the Savior Jesus Christ those can all be made up for. I am so grateful for my Savior and the perfect life that He lived and the example that He is to me!
Yo se que la Iglesia de Jesucristo es verdadera. Yo se que Thomas S. Monson es el profeta hoy y es la boca de Dios. Yo se que el Libro de Mormon es la palabra de Dios y Jose Smith tradujo la. Yo se que Jose Smith fue un profeta y restauro la Iglesia :) Me encanta esta mensaje y la oportunidad ser una misionera!
Until next week!
Herman McCartt

                                                             Hermana Michalsky and I!

                                                         My district at the MTC!

                                                                  My new temple! :)

                                                                      Stake Party :)

                                                                     Beautiful Sky!

                                                                       Beautiful Sky!

                                                             Right outside our house!

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Oh what a week!!!
This gospel is incredible, I have no other words to describe this week other than WOW. The work is truly hastening. The Lord is preparing His people to hear the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. We have just seen miracle after miracle this week. I am in awe by the hand of the Lord. This is truly His work. Missionaries, are NOTHING without the Holy Ghost. It has lead and guided us in so many ways this week.
One amazing experience just happened a few minutes ago right outside of this library that I am sitting in right now, we said hello to a young man, Kelsey, and we started talking to him and he asked us what we are doing, and we told him and ended up teaching him the Restoration! And gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon, which he said he would read. He told us that he knew that he was supposed to meet us and that this is what he has been searching for.
Another incredible story: My companion and I planned Saturday night to stay in Borrego Springs on Sunday and teach, but all day Sister Jones felt that we needed to go to Salton City, which is part of our area, but is about 45 minutes away, so we decided to go! We had no idea why we were going, but we had faith that there was something that we were supposed to do. We had a referral we wanted to contact first, but we couldn't find the house. So we turned the corner and saw two boys outside their house and we started talking to them. One of them got a little freaked out... I don't know why!? haha and got his mom, and we started talking to her, and she invited us in. We then taught her the Restoration of the gospel and when we came to Joseph Smith and how he didn't know what church was true, she stopped us and said, "that's my question!!" Perfect :) We then taught the rest of the Restoration and invited her to be baptized and she said yes! She isn't ready to set a date yet, but we are going back to her house tonight to teach her and her two boys and husband! Please pray for Dalia and her family!
These are just two of the incredible accounts that I have seen this week. We have seen miracle after miracle.
Today we had a zone meeting and in it we discussed how we need to teach simply. And one of the sisters, who also speaks Spanish, shared that she is so grateful for the language barrier, because all she "knows how to teach in Spanish is simple truths." And that is all I know how to teach as well, and that is all we need, just the small simple truths of the gospel.
Mom, I am singing! Sister Jones also sings and we have SUNG a lot! We use it whenever we feel it is appropriate. It is incredible how the Spirit works though music. On Saturday we are preforming an incredible arrangement of Savior Redeemer of My Soul in front of the WHOLE MISSION. Sister Jones will be playing the violin, an Elder will be playing the piano and I will be singing....... Ummmmmm WHAT!? Keep me in your prayers :)
I love you all. Remember: everyone is a missionary, you don't have to have a tag on your chest to be one. I will be a missionary for the rest of my life. Invite the missionaries over and have them teach you. Learn as much as you can about the gospel and then SHARE it! Don't be afraid, Open You Mouth. When in doubt testify. We have left people speechless when we have testified of this truth. There is no denying the Spirit. Invite a friend to church, to a youth activity (Shelby), and then invite them to be taught by the missionaries!! What's the harm in one lesson! Just tell them to listen to them. We need you! This work is truly hastening:
"Now is the time for members and missionaries to come together, to work together, to labor in the Lord’s vineyard to bring souls unto Him. He has prepared the means for us to share the gospel in a multitude of ways, and He will assist us in our labors if we will act in faith to fulfill His work."
I know that as we work together as missionaries and members that we will find more peace in our lives. We will find people, friends and family who are prepared to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and there will be baptisms! I know that this is the Lords work and that it is the best work that we as members of this gospel can do! I know that Christ lives and that He lived every day for us and still lives for us! I know that God wants all of His children to come back to Him and the only way is through our Savior Jesus Christ, by following His example by being baptized. I know the Book of Mormon was written for US. It is the word of God and contains the fullness of the restored gospel. I know that by reading it daily and living the teachings that are taught in it we will find more peace and joy and light then we thought imaginable. I know that Joseph Smith saw God, the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ and he restored the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the Earth! We have this gospel! How blessed are we! Remember this incredible gift that we have and SHARE IT!
I love you all!
Hermana Shea McCartt